We are hiring!
We are currently seeking highly motivated and driven students to join our research group.
Open positions are available for Doctoral programs; candidates with NET (CSIR/JRF), DST Inspire, or any funded fellowship holders are welcome to apply for PhD positions anytime throughout the year. For institute fellowship, apply through the BITS portal against advertisement twice in a year. Click here.
We also encourage aspiring Postdoctoral fellows and Research Associates to apply by securing external fellowships (NPDF, CSRI-PDF, WISE-PDF, DBT-PDF, and others).
Write your interest to
Dr. Abhishek Saha
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, J-211, Academic J-Block
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India
Or via email to:
(Attach your curriculum vitae)